You are probably landing on this page because you saw one of my Macro Pad PCBs online. So, welcome to my Macro Pad PCB resource page.
Available Macro Pad PCBs
Pimoroni Tiny 2040
The Tiny 2040 is not as feature-rich as the Pico but its minuscule size makes it super easy to fit on a PCB. Although it costs more than twice the price of the Pico at around $9.75, it carries a USB-C port, it has an onboard RGB led and it’s arguably the cutest little microcontroller I have ever seen.

Raspberry Pi Pico
Raspberry Pi Pico is a powerful little microcontroller that packs a lot of features but only costs $4. If you are unfamiliar with microcontrollers, $4 is a bargain. The downsides of the Pi Pico are its large size and the lack of wireless functionality. Also, it has a micro USB port. But… did I mention it only costs $4?

Can I buy a PCB?
Yes, follow the Etsy link in each one of the sections above.
Where can I find information about the firmware you use?
The Lightroom Macro Pad repository on Github has all the information you need. It’s much easier to keep this information on GitHub than here on the blog. You can also take a look at this article I wrote about the macro pad.
Do you have a case design I can use?
Yes, the case design is open source and can also be found on the project’s GitHub page.